Sony Ericsson and Richard Becker

Earlier this year we commisioned Richard Becker, an illustrator starting out in South Africa, to create the characters featured in Sony Ericsson's RAW campaign. The illustrations were animated as idents in house and look fantastic. These beer mats show just a little taster of the work used for print.

You can see more of Richard's work here

Photography and Illustration for COI

This stunning DM piece was crafted for COI in collaboration with still life photographer Stephen Lenthall and comic book illustrator Norm Breyfogle.

The photography was all set built and shot in studio over two days whilst Norm worked from his studio in the USA.

Unfortunately due to a change in brief, the work was never used...

Alun Crockford Shoots Volkswagen

Alun Crockford shot an array of pots and paints for VW internal display stands.