Milk & More for Dairy Crest

Isaac Newman shot the latest Milk & More project. The product photography was studio based. This required a set build which incorporated model making the step as well as sourcing all props. Model and props were managed by Isaac and art directed by iris .

Jack Daniels shot by Douglas Fisher

We commissioned the lovely Douglas Fisher to work his magic on the latest Jack Daniels campaign, in addition to shooting all elements he also worked on all the retouching and post production, here is a little snippet.

Children's illustration

We recently had Luisa Bucciero work on a brief from HMRC to create this splendid height chart.

adidas - May archive photography

In addition to all our shiny new work we thought that every month we would show you something from the archives.  This month a little snippet at some of the work we shot last year for adidas, felt it only right to give it a mention. Damien Laurent, one half of the team that form Blinkk snapped some amazing work for the adidas running 09 campaign.